Many years ago Bob Bott created an endowment fund for Christ the King – St. Francis de Sales Parish. He wanted to make a difference for years to come in our parish.
The Catholic Foundation of West Michigan
A Brief History
In 1995, the intention of establishing a Catholic foundation was centered around Catholic school education and the need to create a source of ongoing funding and long-term financial security for tuition assistance and school operating needs, with the vision that The Foundation would one day reach a point where there was tuition assistance scholarships available for every student and family in need.
Foundation funds include funds supporting vocations, social services, faith formation, evangelization and special funds for the greatest need presented during the year. We have broadened our reach and expanded our impact while remaining true to The Foundation’s original ideologies established by Most Rev. Robert Rose and the founding board of The Catholic Foundation of West Michigan.
As Bishop Rose reminds each of us, “What we have is not our own, it’s just on loan to us, the Lord is going to ask us in the end what we did with what he loaned us.” Thank you for supporting the many educational, worship and outreach ministries of the Diocese of Grand Rapids through The Catholic Foundation of West Michigan! The Catholic Foundation of West Michigan is a Diocese of Grand Rapids foundation that was incorporated in 1995 under the leadership of the ninth bishop of Grand Rapids, Most Reverend Robert Rose.
For more current information Contact Mark Morrow, at (616-475-1251 or