Until further notice, all gathered sessions of Mass, Faith Formation, Bible Study, or other planned events are cancelled. The church building is open during office hours and regularly scheduled Mass times so people can come in for private prayer. Christ the King church in Howard City is open from 10 am until 4 pm on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Wednesday evening it is open until 7:30 pm. It is also open on Saturday from 4-6 pm. St. Francis de Sales in Lakeview is open on Friday and Sunday from 8:30-11 am. Father James is available for confession during any of these open hours, especially during regularly scheduled times.
To provide continued communication, the weekly bulletin is available online. Look for the Bulletin tab on our website. You can also access it via the myParish app. The app is available for both Iphones and Androids. Find it in your app store. To locate our parish you can use either affiliated zip code (Howard City- 49329 or Lakeview- 48850.) The app has many good resources such as daily meditations, prayers, the bulletin, the daily readings, a link to our online giving, and more! Another useful way to get information is to follow our Facebook page Christ the King-St Frances de Sales Catholic Parish. Father live-streams the Sunday Mass on Facebook.