We are saddened to share that parishioner, Thomas Patrick, has passed away. His funeral Mass will take place at Christ the King Church, Howard City, on Friday, January 6, 2023. There will be a rosary prayed at 9:30 am. Visitation will take place beginning at 10 am. The Mass is scheduled to begin at 11 am. May Thomas’ soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, rest in peace.  Further details can be found in his obituary. 
We are saddened to announce the death of parishioner, Mary Kunst. Her funeral Mass will take place at Christ the King Church in Howard City on Thursday, December 29, 2022, at 11:00 am. Visitation will begin at 10:00 am, and there will be a luncheon afterward in Fellowship Hall. Please see her obituary for more details. https://www.hcfuneral.com/obituaries/Mary-Ann-Kunst?obId=26747052#/obituaryInfo
We are saddened to announce the passing of parishioner Marty VanDyke. It is with deep regret that the posting of the information was overlooked. Please accept my apologies. We are sorry that this announcement did not get out in time. Marty’s funeral Mass was held at Christ the King Church on Friday, December 16, 2022. Please see his obituary for more details. 
Parishioner Phyllis Zemaitis passed away November 29th. Her funeral arrangements have been pending. We are finally able to announce that her funeral will take place at Christ the King Church in Howard City on Saturday, December 17, 2022, at 11:00 am. There is a visitation one hour prior to the Resurrection Mass. There will be a luncheon in Fellowship Hall immediately following the service. Please see her obituary for more details. https://www.hcfuneral.com/obituaries/Phyllis-Josephine-Zemaitis?obId=26607806#/obituaryInfo
We are saddened to announce the death of Phyllis Hall. She was the mother of our Maintenance Director and Cemetery Sexton, Rick Hall. There will be visitation at the Howard City Funeral Home on Monday, December 12 from 2-4 pm and 6-8 pm. On Tuesday, December 13, arrangements will take place at Heritage United Methodist Church on Kendaville Rd. in Howard City. There will be visitation at 10 am with the funeral beginning at 11 am. Following the funeral, internment will take place at Aetna Cemetery in Morley. After the burial, all are invited to a luncheon at the Fellowship Hall at Christ the King Church on Reed Rd. in Howard City.
We are saddened to announce the death of Steve Mogg, husband of parishioner Marie Mogg. Funeral arrangements are being provided by Howard City Funeral Home. 
We are saddened to announce the passing of parishioner, Ralph Hauenstein. There will be visitation at Howard City Funeral Home on Sunday, November 20, 2022, from 3-6 pm. His funeral Mass will take place at Christ the King Church in Howard City on Monday, November 21 at 11:00 am. For more information, you can view his obituary at hcfuneral.com when it is posted.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: November 9, 2022 Annalise Laumeyer, director of communications   Phone: 616-551-5629 | 616-307-3474 cell  Email: alaumeyer@grdiocese.org 

The Diocese of Grand Rapids’ Office of Communications issues the following statement from Most Reverend  David J. Walkowiak, bishop of Grand Rapids, following the approval of Proposal 3 by voters in Michigan: 

The passage of Proposal 3 in no way diminishes our commitment to pray for and support human life at all stages of  existence. It is disheartening to see that society continues to promote abortion as the only option for women experiencing unintended or unplanned pregnancies. I call on our elected representatives to enact legislation that  prioritizes the well-being and stability of families in our society. The United States Bishops have made  recommendations at the federal level to make this type of society possible. 

The Catholic Church remains committed to helping women and couples who are facing unexpected or difficult  pregnancies because we firmly believe God has a plan and purpose for every human life. We will continue to  accompany and care for women in need of emotional, spiritual, or material support and their child(ren), born and  unborn. 

For every woman who has had an abortion, know that God loves you. Help and healing are available to you through  our Project Rachel ministry. 

Local resources: 

Healing after abortion: Project Rachel 

Catholic Charities West Michigan: Pregnancy Support Services | Resources and support for moms and  families 

Pregnancy Support: HELP Pregnancy Aid | Pregnancy Resource Center – Grand Rapids | Alpha Grand Rapids Baby and Toddler Pantries: Catholic Charities West Michigan | The Baby Pantry of Lowell | Grandmother’s  Cupboard Baby Pantry (Lake County) 

St. Mary Parish, Spring Lake: Medical/dental-Pregnancy Support-Food and Clothing-Housing Infertility Support & Education: Franciscan Life Process Center 

The Diocese of Grand Rapids serves more than 175,114 Catholics, 80 parishes and 31 schools in an 11-county area of West  Michigan. For additional information visit our website grdiocese.org. Connect with the diocese on Facebook (Diocese of Grand  Rapids), Twitter (@GRDiocese), and Instagram (@GRDiocese). 

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CATHEDRAL SQUARE CENTER ◊ 360 DIVISION AVENUE S. ◊ GRAND RAPIDS, MI 49503 ◊ P: 616-243-0491 ◊ F: 616-243-4910 

Tuesday, Nov 1st is All Saints Day. This is a Holy Day of Obligation. In our parish, Mass will be in Lakeview at 7 pm. Father James will also be celebrating Mass in Stanton at noon. Check with neighboring parishes for their schedules.