Friends, we come now to the Second Sunday of Lent, and we’re on both dangerous and very holy ground with the first reading from the twenty-second chapter of Genesis. The ancient Israelites referred to it as the “Akedah,” which means the “binding”: Abraham binds and is ready to sacrifice Isaac at God’s command. It’s hard to imagine another text in the Old Testament that has stirred up more puzzlement and opposition. I am with Søren Kierkegaard: if you don’t experience “fear and trembling” having read this text, you have not been paying attention. And it’s naming something of absolute centrality in the spiritual life.
Mass Readings
- Reading 1 — Gn 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18
- Psalm — Ps 116:10, 15, 16-17, 18-19
- Reading 2 — Rom 8:31b-34
- Gospel — Mk 9:2-10