Have you taken the time yet today to pray a rosary and the attached prayer to Mary?
Bishop Walkowiak invites the clergy, religious, and lay faithful of the diocese to participate in this special opportunity by praying a rosary followed by the prayer, attached, at any point during the day on May 31.
Prayer Entrusting the Synod to Mary:
O Mary, Mother of God and our Mother, as the disciples gathered around you to await the coming of the Holy Spirit, so we entrust ourselves to your protection as we seek to follow that same Spirit on the path of synodality.
Obtain for us, by your powerful intercession, grace to deepen our communion with our Lord and one another, charity to welcome full participation of all the baptized in the life of the Church, and courage to engage in Christ’s mission to the world.
Guide our bishops as they assemble this October, that they may build up the household of faith as they shepherd us along the way to eternal life in Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.